Thursday, October 1, 2009

In the news again...

Didn't notice that theStar has picked up this story about our decade-old problem..

"RESIDENTS of Taman Kinrara Section 2 Apartment in Kinrara, Puchong, are grateful that their woes have been resolved after a decade of having to put up with poor drainage. Residents association chairman Rohaizan Khamis said residents from the 200 apartments have had to endure the stench from the drain’s stagnant water, as well as occasional health problems like dengue, since 1999."

Sinar Harian has also put up the story in their paper:

"PUCHONG – Masalah bau busuk yang menghantui kira-kira 1,500 penduduk di Pangsapuri Taman Kinrara Seksyen 2, di sini sejak 10 tahun lalu bakal berakhir apabila parit monsun yang dikatakan menjadi punca bau terbabit bakal ditutup dengan lapisan besi khas.

Ahi Dewan negeri (ADUN) Kinrara, Teresa Kok Suh Sim, ketika mengadakan tinjaua
n melihat kerja pemasangan penutup di parit berkenaan berkata, beliau sudah beberapa kali menerima aduan penduduk.

Menurutnya, melalui peruntukan RM1 juta yang diberi Kerajaan Negeri bagi membaiki prasarana di DUN Kinrara, sejumlah wang berkenaan digunakan bagi tujuan itu."

Read the full story here: Solution to Taman Kinrara’s drainage woes.
Excerpt from YB Teresa posting is here: Sinar Harian, “Derita 10 tahun penduduk berakhir”, 13 September 2009.
My related previous post is here: When it rains.

This was what the drain looked like (pix taken when it was raining):

This is now, the drain is covered:

Let's see how long this RM160K solution will last...

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